Street harassment is a problem, including in Tilburg. Street harassment includes all unwelcome comments, gestures and actions that are forced upon a stranger in a public place without permission.
Report street harassment
Report formInformatie in het Nederlands
NederlandsExamples of street harassment include snarling, hissing, mimicking, staring, sexual gestures, asking for sex, annoyingly following, groping or being cornered. Women, persons from the LGBTQA+ community, people with disabilities, migration backgrounds or religious expressions face street harassment. Tilburg wants to be a city where everyone can walk the streets carefree. And for that we need you.
As a bystander you play an important role when it comes to stopping street harassment, but many bystanders do not know how to intervene or do not dare. You can disrupt the situation. Offer protection or mental support. Without you, victims are on their own.
These are some tips from Stichting Stop Straatintimidatie (Foundation Stop Street Harassment) to intervene in a safe way.
Observe the situation. Can you intervene in a safe way? Your presence can also make the person being harassed feel safer.
By distracting the victim and perpetrator, you bring attention to you in a safe way and disrupt street harassment. For example, ask a question like: “Excuse me, I do not know this area well, do you know where the nearest bus stop is? Or, if you do not know the perpetrator or the victim, you can pretend that you do. For instance: “Hey girl, haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?”
You may not feel safe enough to intervene. See if you can ask a security guard, co-worker or someone with authority to help. You can also reach out to another bystander and together approach the perpetrator and/or victim.
You can greatly help someone being bullied with a simple question like “Are you okay?” even when the perpetrator has already left. You show your disapproval of the perpetrator's behavior. You support the victim by affirming that what you saw is not normal.
If you feel safe enough, you can also address the perpetrator.
Take a video, a picture, write down a license plate number, remember characteristics of the perpetrator. This can help when reporting street harassment.
Did you witness street harassment or are you the victim of street harassment? You can report it. See more information below.
Are you the victim of street harassment? Or were you a witness? Report it. In doing so you are also helping others. If we know where and when street harassment happens, we can take better action. This way we have a better overview of the hotspots, but we can also better enforce the specific problem. For example, through more checks or extra camera surveillance.
Does the incident go beyond street harassment and is it actually sexual violence? Report to the police. Do you not want to report to the police, but tell your story anonymously: Contact Centrum Seksueel Geweld (Center for Sexual Violence) anonymously: you can call 24 hours a day (0800-0188) or you can also chat on the website.
Street harassment can have a big impact on a victim. Know that you are not alone. Help is available to deal with the effects of street harassment.
You can also turn to Slachtofferhulp Netherlands for emotional support and help with criminal proceedings.
Would you like more information on the subject of street harassment? You will find it on the website of Stichting Stop Straatintimidatie. You can also share your story.
Fairspace creates a safe public space for everyone by ending transgressive behavior. They offer free training and campaign in a variety of ways.
Blauwe Maan is a Tilburg-based organization that offers professional help if you or someone close to you has had to deal with involuntary sex, sexual abuse or sexually transgressive behavior.
At Feniks Emancipation and Expertise Center you can find information about women's emancipation, among other things. They also do workshops on bystander intervention, privilege and male empowerment.
RADAR is Tilburg's anti-discrimination service and is part of On the website you can find more information about discrimination and unequal treatment and what you can do against it.
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