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Housing in Tilburg

If you want to live in the municipality of Tilburg, you can buy or rent a house. You can find more information about houses in Tilburg, Berkel-Enschot, Udenhout and Biezenmortel below.

Social housing

If you want to rent social housing, you need to register with Woning in Zicht. This website is available in several languages. 

Whether you qualify for social housing depends on your income. The national government sets the standards for this. For more information, see the website government.nl

Once you have registered, you can apply for homes that are publicised on the website. There is a specific period within which you must respond for every home, so ensure you check the website every few days.
There are different ways in which the homes are offered:

Disclaimer: there is a shortage of social housing in the Netherlands and in the municipality of Tilburg. The waiting lists and waiting times are therefore long. So ensure you register in time.

Private rental homes

There are also homes that are rented out by private owners. You can find these homes on various websites, such as:

In addition to the abovementioned providers, Lento is a specialist platform for the housing of international employees. Currently only for employers. Also available to you directly as someone seeking accommodation from 1 January 2024. From 1 January 2024, you can find more information on the website of Lento

Buying a home

If you want to buy a home, you can have a real estate agent inform you of the options. There are a number of real estate agents in the municipality of Tilburg. This link takes you to a page with all registered estate agents.

Loans for first-time buyers

Under certain conditions, you can apply for a supplementary loan from the municipality on favourable terms to buy your first home. We call this a first-time buyer loan. You can find more information about first-time buyer loans on this website.